Research and Analysis
Member surveys are a double-edged sword - they offer invaluable insights into the member experience but can damage engagement when done poorly. Here are the most common mistakes NRL clubs make, and how to avoid them.
Research and Analysis
From email blasts to radio silence: an unprecedented look at how NRL clubs engage with their members throughout the season, revealing surprising gaps and best practices.
Research and Analysis
Putting members in control of their communication experience is not only good for members, it's good for clubs, too.
Research and Analysis
Imagine joining every club in the NRL. How easy is it to sign up? How do the clubs communicate throughout the season? Are you acknowledged and nurtured as a new member? This fan found out.
The Allegiance
Leverage data-driven insights and personalised strategies to maximise recruitment and retention.
Member Onboarding
Optimise the first 90 days to maximise engagement and long-term retention through strategic, personalised journey development.
Member Pulse
Uncover actionable insights through targeted surveys to elevate membership experience, drive improvement, and enhance overall satisfaction.
Turn members into passionate advocates with a tailored referral system for accelerated growth and increased community engagement.
Member Milestones
Recognise member loyalty with personalised recognition programs to deepen engagement, strengthen bonds, and encourage long-term commitment.
Member Touchpoints Review
Audit and optimize the 10 critical member-facing processes for improved efficiency, satisfaction, and long-term loyalty building.
Member Win-Back
Recapture lapsed members and strengthen at-risk relationships through targeted re-engagement strategies and personalized outreach campaigns.